use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\UserSiteSettingController;
// Check cookie to see if dark mode is enabled or not.
$darkMode = (isset($_COOKIE['dark_mode']) && $_COOKIE['dark_mode'] == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
// Update the users dark mode preference in the database.
if (auth()->check()) {
if ($darkMode === 'yes') {
$result = UserSiteSettingController::setDarkMode('yes');
} elseif ($darkMode === 'no') {
$result = UserSiteSettingController::setDarkMode('no');
printHtmlAttributes('html') !!} {{ theme()->printHtmlClasses('html') }}>
{{-- begin::Head --}}
{{ ucfirst(theme()->getOption('meta', 'title')) }}
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{{ theme()->includeFonts() }}
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{!! preloadCss(assetCustom($file)) !!}
{{-- end::Page Vendor Stylesheets --}}
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{!! preloadCss(assetCustom($file)) !!}
{{-- end::Page Custom Stylesheets --}}
@if (theme()->hasOption('assets', 'css'))
{{-- begin::Global Stylesheets Bundle(used by all pages) --}}
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@if (strpos($file, 'plugins') !== false)
{!! preloadCss(assetCustom($file)) !!}
{{-- end::Global Stylesheets Bundle --}}
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printHtmlAttributes('body') !!} {!! theme()->printHtmlClasses('body') !!} {!! theme()->printCssVariables('body') !!}>
@if (theme()->getOption('layout', 'loader/display') === true)
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@if (theme()->hasOption('assets', 'js'))
{{-- begin::Global Javascript Bundle(used by all pages) --}}
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{{-- end::Global Javascript Bundle --}}
@if (theme()->hasOption('page', 'assets/vendors/js'))
{{-- begin::Page Vendors Javascript(used by this page) --}}
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{{-- end::Page Vendors Javascript --}}
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{{-- begin::Page Custom Javascript(used by this page) --}}
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{{-- end::Page Custom Javascript --}}
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'admin.games.index' || Route::currentRouteName() == 'admin.game.edit')
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.index' || Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.user.index')
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.index')
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.user.index')
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.create')
@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'games.list.edit')
{{-- end::Javascript --}}
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